A BI platform for companies seeking solutions to manage sales performance

A BI platform for companies seeking solutions to manage sales performance

We provide exclusive technologies to improve the management of your agribusiness, identifying opportunities and generating demands.


Crop Mapping

Planted area evolution in hectares for 26 Crops and Construction of the market potential for the segments: Seeds, Fertilizers, Defensive and Specialties for all the 5,483 Municipalities in Brazil.

Competitive intelligence

Culture and Region
Product Segments
Competitors and Clients

Performance evaluation

Market Share
Customer Share

Portfolio and Campaigns

Pocket Price: order simulator for price and volume negotiation.

Pricing with farm gate market research.

Competitor analysis

Demand management

Product positioning by sales pitch.

Monitoring of the areas side by side by image geoprocessing.

Evaluation of the performance of each agronomic protocol.

Crop Mapping

Competitive intelligence

Performance evaluation

Planted area evolution in hectares for 26 Crops and Construction of the market potential for the segments: Seeds, Fertilizers, Defensive and Specialties for all the 5,483 Municipalities in Brazil.
Culture and Region
Product Segments
Competitors and Clients
Market Share
Customer Share

Portfolio and campaigns

Demand management

Pocket Price: order simulator for price and volume negotiation.

Pricing with farm gate market research.

Competitor analysis
Product positioning by sales pitch.

Monitoring of the areas side by side by image geoprocessing.

Evaluation of the performance of each agronomic protocol.