The brazilian agribusiness is the driving force of our economy, and a worldwide protagonist in the production of food, fibers and energy.
And this is what Nirus believes and invests in.
The brazilian agribusiness is the driving force of our economy, and a worldwide protagonist in the production of food, fibers and energy.
And this is what Nirus believes and invests in.

We are increasingly dedicate to develop innovative solutions for agribusiness. We also provide assistance for all points in the production chain, with solutions for industries, distributors, and assistance for farmers when producing, investing or exporting. 

All this because, just like you, we are specialists in the best agribusiness: yours!

We are specialists in agrobusiness and act as agents business facilitators.

Nirus is the union of an elite team of consultants, with experience and
knowledge in 7 complementary areas of agribusiness. 

But, their deliveries go far beyond the consulting capacity. They also bring the most advanced technology and data analysis platforms. And more: efficient governance tools and direct services for industries, distributors, cooperatives and rural properties.


Our purpose is to deburocratize, democratize, innovate, and transform national agribusiness.

We are inspired by the challenges of national agribusiness prosperity.
This is our Organizational Culture.

Nirus Agrointelligence uses technology to create and develop
innovative and intelligent solutions for Agribusiness.


Agtech Startups

precision agriculture
Crop management services
insurance and marketing

Agro Industry

Biotechnology for seeds, crop protection, fertilizers, biological products and nutrition are key to the growth of sustainable agriculture.

Telemetry with drones, machinery and equipment

Machinery and equipment
Application technology
Agronomic services

Financial Solutions

Financing and credit
Investment & assets
Management for growers

Telemetry with drones, machinery and equipment

Machinery and equipment
Application technology
Agronomic services

Financial Solutions

Financing and credit
Investment & assets
Management for growers
