The Farmer's journey is our journey

The Farmer's journey is our journey

One of the great mottos that I am using in my new challenge here at UPL is to make our farmer truly the hero of our history. There are no campaigns or agronomic solutions in the world that succeed without investigating or knowing the history, behavior, motivations, fears and strengths of our farmer.

In the not so distant past, the focus was exclusively on the product and not on the farmer, and we have seen major transformations that companies in the sector are experiencing in the sense of changing our lens to the look of the farmer. This does not scare us and is motivating us as protagonists of this transformation.

The profile of the farmer is changing very quickly, where today, in addition to getting younger and younger, this Brazilian farmer is much more informed. According to the Brazilian Association of Rural Marketing and Agribusiness (ABMRA), in a survey carried out between October 2020 and January 2021 with 3,048 rural producers (men and women with decision-making power, from small, medium and large properties) of 16 states from all regions of the country, covering 14 agricultural crops and 4 animal activities, digital channels are already a reality for the majority, where 94% of producers have a smartphone, against 61% in the previous survey, carried out in 2017. 

Another important point is the greater offer of internet in rural areas, available to 91% for animal producers and 88% for farmers. 57% of respondents use the network 15 or more times a day. Weather forecast and information are the main contents sought by farmers and breeders.

The Internet has opened an inexhaustible source of information to the most distant corners of the country. This survey also proves the relevance of WhatsApp as the largest means of digital communication, where no less than 76% of producers use the platform to conduct business, which is a novelty.

This platform, being open and easy, was the best tool for the farmer, and which he knew how to use to carry out all operations: Receiving and giving information, obtaining information from neighbors, and above all using it to better negotiate. I always say that agronomists who didn't know how to generate value for farmers were replaced by the Smartphone click

Keeping the focus on a customer in constant evolution requires us, agro professionals, to adopt a posture of change. It is urgent for us to consider the farmer or the client in his field of activity, an entrepreneur in the process of transformation. 

Agriculture currently moves 27.4% of GDP and employs almost 20 million people, being responsible for almost 50% of all our exports. The main person responsible for all this dynamism is our farmer, and this farmer no longer just wants products, he wants to be assisted throughout his journey, which consists of 4 phases. A Investigation, O Planning, O Use of technologies and the Results. Understanding each of these phases, and knowing that the final step can be successful or unsuccessful, is key for us in this understanding.

To reach the level of having the minimum knowledge about who your farmer is, some questions are needed to better understand his profile.

This farmer likes innovation, in technologies, is he the first to adopt the market news? He prefers convenience, that is, someone to help you with decisions in all crop cycles? or he prefers relationship, likes to be watched by someone he knows, who has been in a relationship for some time, or he is the type who likes to Prices? Understanding these 4 buying profiles is essential for us to be successful in our interactions.

And to know this we always need to bear in mind that at the end of the day our farmer/customer wants one of these 4 things: Increase Profitability, reduce Costs, Increase Productivity and Ensure marketing, not in that order, and not always the four needs together.

Together with the knowledge of these profiles and allies to what he prefers, it helps us even more in the task of going through the journey with them. This helps us understand what will make our follow-up routine really generate value for him. 

As I always say, we will give Cesar what is Cesar's: Demand Generation areas and new products for those who like technology, interaction events for those who appreciate relationships, Barter offers for those who like convenience or even the sales and offers for those who value prices the most.

Understanding All of this is not an easy task, but it is a journey that is well worth taking, after all, this farmer of ours is a humble, resilient person and, above all, the great hero of this nation called Brazil.
